Wear a Helmet!
10 Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Excuses for Not Wearing a Helmet!
They\'re too heavy! 头盔太重!Not anymore. Today\'s bicycle helmets only weigh about a half a pound.
I don\'t need one if I don\'t ride fast.如果我不骑快车,我就不需要头盔。
Get this... Even if you were just sitting on your bike talking to friends and you fell and hit your head, your brain could be seriously damaged--- Ouch!
They\'re too expensive.他们太贵了~
Some helmets cost as little as $20, which is a lot less than the thousands of dollars you\'d pay for a visit to the emergency room!
A helmet will mess up my hair.头盔会搞乱我的头发。
Okay, true. But a crash without a helmet can really mess up your head. Your choice: a bad hair day or a bad head life?
I\'ll look like a geek.看起来很丑。
Wrong. You\'ll look like a real bicylists, and car drivers will probably respect you more and give you more room on the road because of it.
They\'re too hot.戴头盔太热。
Because they\'re so light and have lots of openings for air to pass through, helmets aren\'t any hotter than having your head exposed to the sun while riding.
I don\'t need one if I don\'t ride on busy roads.如果我不在交通繁忙的公路上骑车,我就不需要头盔。
Not true. Cars are involved in only 10% of bike-related injuries. Falls are a much bigger problem, and they can happen on any road or path.
I never fall off my bike.我从来不会从车上摔下来。
Maybe not yet, but everybody falls sometime, and it only takes once to do permanent danage.
They\'re funny looking.戴头盔看起来好可笑哦。
Helmets today come in lots of cool colors and designs. Find one you like so you\'ll wear it.
None of my friends wear one.我的朋友都不戴头盔。
Maybe they don\'t yet know the reasons why a helmet is important. Show them this page and then purchase your helmets together as a group.
也许你的朋友并不知道头盔的重要性。请你给他们看看现在这张帖子的内容,和你一起团购头盔吧。这样对大家安全好,也对你们购买价格有帮助。 |